
Posted by Agusgoh & Co. | 8:29 AM | | 0 comments »

HOMOGENIC was formed in 2002 while Risa and Dina were attending the same high school. Realizing they had high musical aspirations (and talent), Dina coaxed Risa to write songs about their adolescence. They tried to be honest about their potential and it never occurred to them to do covers. This came from their ideals of self-satisfaction and creativity. 

In the beginning, the band took a minimalist approach to song-writing, even with the beats and notes that infused their music. Equipped only with a keyboard, they were able to write several songs. The vocals were by Risa while Dina concentrated on arranging the music. Another aspect that set them apart from the other bands was their disinterest in performing on stage. Their reason was rather simple: the time wasn't right and they were far from ready to perform live. 

On how they came to be known as such, Homogenic is the title of an album and song by an artist with extraordinary talent - Bjork. Everyone knows her, and Bjork is one of their musical influences. Perhaps as a result of their indecision, they decided to take on the name. It has to be stressed, though, that while writing songs, never once did it occur to them to imitate Bjork's style or music. 

After graduating from high school, they recognized the need for a new stimulus. From a mutual friend's recommendation, Juang was roped in and he contributed the sounds of his sampling, looping and beats from a drum machine. Juang's involvement got them thinking of being more serious and the direction of their songs and lyrics. Their changing attitude towards music led them to create new compositions with pop and electronic influences, on top of soft and smooth vocals. By creating new atmospheres for their listeners, the band hoped to lull them into their world. They soon realised they had something good on their hands. 

HOMOGENIC began having renewed faith in their creations when they started to enjoy performing live. Realizing the need to entertain, they began to explore 'the art of performance' on stage and consciously developed a more serious image. They decided to integrate visual art with music in every performance. They worked tirelessly and patiently to learn and do everything with precision and feel they have managed to preserve something they consider very important: that their music is understood and accepted without any loss of ideals or vision. 

Yet nothing is ever perfect. Juang, with a heavy heart, unexpectedly expressed his desire to leave the group. Risa and Dina decided to continue and shortly after they met Dea, who helped complement their vision. Even though his position as an additional player was new, he could easily understand and enhance the group's music, so much so he became a permanent member. 
HOMOGENIC was in a new phase. After much exploration of the music world, they finished their first album in March, 2004. "Epic Symphony" was released with 12 of their best compositions, rewarding proof of their continuous hard work.